Scars are messengers ~ do you know what they're saying?
Scars limit the expression of human potential in physical and emotional ways. Scars cause pain by compressing your nerves, slowing circulation and preventing lymph drainage.
Emotional scars diminish you too. They impose restrictions on your development while they deny you access to the life you dream of.
Everyone with a body has a scar of one kind or another, but conventional medicine knows little and does less when it comes to scars and their treatment.
STREAM is the gold standard in scar remediation education for advanced-level practitioners eager to learn about the profound effects of scar tissue and how integrative healing and health really happen.

What is STREAM Certification and who is it for?
STREAM stands for Scar Tissue Remediation, Education and Management
STREAM Certification is a two-year, online and in-person scar tissue remediation training for advanced practitioners and professionals ready to explore new territory.
This certification program is for people who are ready to dive in and connect the dots between story and shadow; structure and function. Learn profoundly effective scar remediation from one of the field's great leaders and most celebrated set of hands.
We offer graduate-level training for exceptional healers. Are you one (or more) of these?

Bodyworkers & Manual Therapists
Movement Teachers & Trainers
Mental Health Professionals
Medical Providers
Birth Workers
Somatic Educators
Other Healing Arts
If so, and you'd like to expand your capacity by incorporating every essential domain of health, you're in the right place.
STREAM gets results - and they're simply spectacular

What are Students Saying About STREAM?

"STREAM gave me a new way of seeing - it's the glue allowing me to piece myself back together, while opening a whole new trajectory of a professional possibilities."
-Anna G, Victoria, BC

"By exploring the interplay between body, psyche, and awareness, some seriously spontaneous magic happened - my mysterious physical symptoms resolved, and I reclaimed my seeing and knowing."
-Rachel F, Milwaukee, WI

"Now I understand STREAM, I get out of the way, observing and assisting bodies that heal because they know how."
-Jeannie W, Stockholm, Sweden

How the STREAM Certification Program works
STREAM Certification Training is a two-year process that gets results you can feel in your body and put to work in your practice. Our program includes online study and in-person workshops, as well as personal & professional development
Then - get ready for results! Feel STREAM come to life in your body, with clients in your clinic, or practicing self-care at home

Your STREAM YR I is about absorption, learning and doing. Our online curriculum delivers a clear understanding of scar tissue and its relationship with the nervous system. Learn how they influence full-body health, then get ready for some anatomy, physiology and self-with-self work! STREAM Year One Workshops focus on nervous system regulation and developing keen assessment skills.
First Year students participate in online study, the STREAM community on Circle, regular mentorship calls, group calls, and two live YR I Workshops happen back-to-back in Ashland, in late Spring. We strongly recommend planning to attend both of your YR I Workshops during the first year.

YR II puts STREAM to work in your practice! Continued mentorship, professional coaching, and applied anatomy study each benefit and build your practice. YR II Workshops focus on developing hands-on and hands-in palpatory skills. Your Year Two Workshop requirements depend on your area of focus, giving you what you need to succeed.
YR II students complete their studies by fulfilling their STREAM Certification requirements with written work that includes practice session client reports & case studies. Attend one or two live Year Two Workshops in Ashland in the Fall to learn uniquely effective bodywork skills – the kind that make STREAM famous – while receiving valuable refection and embodied feedback.

Meet Ellen Heed PhD, the pioneer behind the program
Ellen has over 25 years of experience training somatic professionals in anatomy, scar remediation, connective tissue dynamics, and bodywork techniques. Her engaging approach turns complex subjects into transformative lessons that change lives.
A pioneer in scar tissue expertise, Ellen founded STREAM to meet the vast need for this work, empowering others to resolve scar pain, pelvic dysfunction, infertility, and post-surgical trauma.
STREAM connects the dots between scars, client narratives, and physical symptoms while fostering autonomy and inner knowing, helping clients embody radiant health.